A YOY Decline in Overseas Financial Account Declarations in Korea

This year saw 4,957 declarations filed for overseas financial accounts amounting to KRW 64.9 trillion (∼USD 56 billion). The number of declarations was down 8.5% from last year’s 5,419, representing a 65.2% decrease in the declared amount of KRW 186.4 trillion (∼USD 161 billion). Decline in Reported Overseas Financial Assets The sharp drop in both […]

Updates on Health Care System in Korea

Starting 1 September 2022 the National Health Insurance(NHI) will change its calculation method for self-employed insured from a point system to a premium rate system. This posting is relevant to those who are thinking of doing freelancing work in Korea. The social insurance rate changes every year, and its impact is getting bigger than ever. […]

What is a Tax Invoice?

Tax invoice plays a crucial part of accounting and income tax reporting in Korea. Tax invoice has a specific format required by tax law, whereas an invoice has relevantly free style. There are two kinds of tax invoices, one is a paper tax invoice and the other is an E-tax invoice (or electronic tax invoice). […]

A Guide to Tax Life in Korea : Do you know your business code?

When you start business in Korea, you have to register at Tax Office for Business Registration Certificate which looks like this. But do you know what your business code(or 업종코드)is? The business code is not even shown on business registration certificate. However, it is much more important than you think. Business code is a 6 […]

Liaison Office VAT refund in Korea

Liaison Office VAT refund in Korea A liaison office has no VAT filing liability in Korea, but it can still claim for VAT refund on certain expenses such as office rental fees, office supplies, and advertising services.‍ Foreign corporation tax filing guide by NTS Three points to note about liaison office VAT refund: June 30 […]

Korea VAT Filing: Case Review for VAT Refund Rejected

tax filing korea

July is the month for the first round of Value Added Tax (VAT) reporting in 2024. If you’re one of the 6.71 million people who need to file, mark your calendar for Thursday, July 25th. That’s your deadline to report and pay your VAT in Korea. We’ve got about 260,000 more people filing this time […]

Is my Upwork income taxable in Korea?

Q. I am expecting income from Upwork or Fiverr and my clients are not in Korea. Do I still need to report this income for tax in Korea? A. If you are working as a freelancer in Korea and make income from overseas via global platform, then chances are high that you have to report […]

How to get a tax credit for monthly house rent as a foreign resident?

How to get a tax credit for monthly house rent as a foreign resident? Starting 2021, a foreigner with salary income less than KRW 70mil a year can apply for a tax credit of 10% to 12% of the total rental payment for his housing in Korea.‍ Who can apply for the tax credit on […]